Hightex oberammergau 01



Oberammergau, Germany

Membrane Roof for the World's Most Famous Passion Theatre

The unique technical design of this project implements two important requirements of the client: The membrane coat keeps the historical character of the open air theatre and the roof protects against the rain without blocking the free view over the stage.For the mobile stage roof Hightex designed a solution that is, despite of high stability, very light. The roof consists of a two-layer transparent, stretched ETFE-membrane and a stainless steel mesh that lies above and acts acoustically as rain vaporizer.So the theatre can be enjoyed without disturbance through rain drops or wind and the light transmittance degree of 70 % gives an open air feeling.


  • Realization membrane structure

    Hightex GmbH
  • Year

  • Client

    SEELE GmbH, Germany
  • City

    Oberammergau, Germany
  • Location

  • Roof area

    630 m²
  • Facade area

    – m²
  • Contractor

  • Architect

    Jabornegg & Pálffy Architekten, Austria
  • Engineering

    Dr. Karlheinz Wagner, Germany

Used materials